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SS&C Salentica Elements Consulting

Implementing Salentica Elements on the Salesforce platofrm at your firm?

Are you a financial planning firm leader, thinking about or currently implementing SS&C Salentica Elements into your organization? Do you need an extra set of hands to make your vision come to life? Stephanie Trexler can help your firm implement Salentica Elements, build workflows and customize Salentica Elements to meet your firm's needs. 


Stephanie brings a unique perspective as she is an experienced CFP with a master's degree in Financial Planning. Stephanie has experience working the front lines with clients and is able to anticipate needs in a CRM system. She has worked at various firms throughout her career and has a passion for creating efficient processes. Stephanie is goal-oriented and will help you keep your CRM project on track.


Think of Stephanie as an extension of your home office on your leadership team. No need to recruit, hire and train. Stephanie works with firms on an hourly basis to help you achieve your firm goals. 

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